DIY Playroom Bin Labels

    Now that Ben’s 3, we’re giving him more responsibilities such as putting away his shoes, hanging up his coat, clearing his plate, etc. I found cleaning up the playroom to be a challenge because there was no organization what so ever. Wherever it would fit it went which led to disorganization. I also found that he wasn’t really playing with all of his toys because he had no way to see exactly what his choices were. The first step was to purge and organize so that everything had a distinct home. Once all the toys were separated by bins, I took pictures of what was inside of each one. Pictures…

  • DIY

    DIY Monogramed Pumpkin

    I know what you must be thinking. It’s March and I’m posting about pumpkins. Yes, I’m crazy like that. Back in October I picked up a big white plastic pumpkin from Target for 75% off. For the past 4 months this sucker has been sitting in my office just waiting for it’s day to be made over and that day just so happened to be at the end of February. I started by finding a picture of the letter I wanted to use  Next, I free-handed the letter on to the pumpkin using a pencil to make the outline. You can also blow up the letter, print it out, and…

  • DIY

    Life Lately + Cloud Dough

    First off, to the lady at the gas station today. No, you can’t leave your one year old in the car while you go into the gas station. Yes, I will say something to you. No, I’m not afraid to call the police or your threat to beat my ass. I mean seriously. Is it pain to drag your kid into the gas station? Yes. But the alternative is your kid getting snatched or hurt which isn’t great either. Good thing I was in my running shoes. I’m fairly certain I could have out run her. Ok, end of rant. This past weekend we went with the my sister and…

  • DIY

    Pinterest Challenge #3 {DIY Coasters}

    Although the Stop Pinning and Start Doing Challenge is officially over, I wanted to post my final Pinterest Challenge. It was completed before the challenge deadline was up, but I couldn’t post about it until after Christmas as I was giving what I made as gifts. For my 3rd project I decided to make DIY coasters that have been all over Pinterest. And here is my finished project: What You’ll Need: -Tile coasters (I got mine at Lowe’s for .18 cents) -Scrapbook paper -Hot glue gun -Small square of felt -Clear acrylic glaze (I got mine from Walmart -Krylon brand) What To Do: 1. Cut your scrapbook paper to fit the size…

  • DIY

    Pinterest Challenge #1 {DIY Fingerprint Reindeer Ornament}

    Well folks, here is my first official Pinterest Challenge Project. I’ve actually completed all 3 projects already and will be posting the other 2 later this week. Let’s review the Challenge Rules shall we? 1. You must complete at least 3 pins. This can be a recreation of your favorite outfit, a DIY project, recipe, hairstyle etc. Anything you’ve seen and pinned on Pinterest 2. You must document it through pictures. 3. You must complete a blog post about your pins before December 25th. In your post, link the original Pinterest picture along with your completed project. 4. Have fun and let your imagination run wild. Here is my finished project: I started with a…