Teacher and Co-Worker Gift Ideas

    The hardest groups of people to buy gifts for seem to be co-workers and children’s teachers. Most people tend to have several co-workers so gifting each one a $20 gift card might not be feasible. And then there are teachers. The standard Starbucks gift card is always great but not so unique and believe or not some people just aren’t fond of that place (gasp)! So what’s a girl to do? There seems to be one universal gift that everyone loves…food. Last night after Ben went to sleep I whipped up several different tasty treats while sipping a heaping glass of Moscato. A side note: As fond as I am…

  • DIY

    Stop Pinning and Start DOING!

    Okay Y’all. It’s obvious that many of us out there in the blog world have a serious addiction to Pinterest. It’s so easy to go along and pin something here and there. I find myself dreaming of the clothes I want to wear, the food I want to eat, and the projects I want to make. Well dream no further. I am officially challenging you all to the Stop Pinning and Start Doing Challenge. With Christmas a mere 18 days away I am challenging you all to get busy on your pins. Make that organizer you’ve been dreaming of or those cookies you’ve been dying to devour. Here are the…

  • DIY

    I’m a Pinterest Fool

    Creating a Pinterest account has been one of the best and worst decisions of my life. So many great ideas, so little time to do them all.  Last weekend I managed to complete two things I’ve had pinned forever. First up Lemon Burst Cookies. Now I’m normally not a fan of lemon foods. I love the smell, great for soap, but in my food, not so much. However, after the magic that was Funfetti cookies, I thought I’d give these a try. 1. The batter Ya’ll. This is even better than the actual cookies themselves. It wasn’t a coincidence that I made these while J wasn’t home. True love may…

  • DIY

    More Than Co-Workers + DIY Stone Magnets

    It’s always great to have coworker that you can stand like. It’s even better when those co-workers become really great friends outside of work. Last weekend my friend & coworker Megan had a Chrismaduation party celebrating the holidays and her completion of a Masters in Health Administration. We had such a blast and it was great to just sit around and talk with good friends. And what a better way to show my friends just how much I love them than with Christmas presents. Being Martha crazy lately, I wanted to make personalized gifts for each person. These handmade magnets were personalized with each person’s favorite things and pretty easy to make.…