Our weekend was the perfect mix of productivity and being lazy which is how I think every weekend should be, am I right? J and I spent some one on one time with Ben without little brother. We went to Mexican for dinner followed by Jurassic World. The movie was great and Ben loved it, but apparently I asked him too many times if he was scared. Sorry for caring. Don’t mind the super dark pic, but I wanted to document the fact that we J got the tv in our bedroom hung properly with the cable box and apple tv box hidden behind it and out of sight. And…
1 Minute Way to Clean Kid’s Outside Toys
Am I a bad mom because I loathe having to get out our water table each year? It’s always filthy and has a film of who knows what on it. Not to mention the fact that you pretty much have to clean it after every use in case your kid decides to drink all the water in the table instead of actually playing in it. No, just mine? If you’re like me and hate cleaning ALL the outdoor things, I have a quick 1 minute trick to get rid of the germs and grim. This not only works on water tables, but even lawn and riding toys. I bought this…
Summer Bucket List
I hadn’t planned on making a Summer bucket list, but I feel like Summer is flying by so quickly that I want to make sure we make the most of it and do everything we want to do. Some of these we’ve already done, but here’s what we want to get in before Summer’s over. //Visit 2 state parks// This park is currently flooded, but hopefully it will re-open soon. //Eat lots & lots of shaved ice// //Attend the 4th of July Festival at our Capital// Via //Swim lessons for the boys// //Mini Vacation in Branson// via //Finish sanding and staining our deck// //Explore and swim at Fugitive Beach// via //Cheer Ben…
Red, White, & Blue 2015
I just love the 4th of July. There’s something so awesome about everyone spending time with their families, wearing matching red, white, and blue, and celebrating their freedom. My office was closed on Friday, but I decided to take Thursday off as well and spend some one on one time with Ben. We went and saw Inside Out followed by a little lunch date. If you haven’t seen the movie yet, you’ve got to go pronto. Such a funny idea, but also a great message. After almost a full week of rain, we woke up to lots of sunshine on Friday. We went to our beach club and both boys…
Life Recap
Heelllooo!! I’m so glad this week is a short 4 days and I can’t wait to celebrate the 4th of July this weekend. Can we talk about the fact that Wednesday is the first day of July? Where in the heck did June go? Seriously. And since my blogging has been sporadic at best, a weekend recap just won’t do so here’s a little recap of what we’ve been up to lately. Slowly but surely were getting more things done around the house including the much needed project of recovering our kitchen chairs for our everyday dining table. We looked at just getting a new table and chairs when we…