
A Yo Gaba Gaba Birthday

After all the planning and preparation, Ben’s birthday party was a success. Everyone seemed to have fun and most importantly the birthday boy had a blast. With Ben’s obsession with Yo Gaba Gaba, I knew that we had no choice but to have a character themed birthday this year.
Wide awake and ready to celebrate.
Enjoying a special heart shaped breakfast.
After breakfast we spent the morning playing, picking up cake, and finishing up last minute details for the party. Then it was time for a nap and when Ben woke up, the party began.
All the delicious food. It’s always pretty stressful at the last minute finishing up all the food and getting it out, but so worth it when you’re eating it 🙂 
No party’s complete without friends and family.
A local bakery made the cake and the little characters are made of fondant.
Have I mentioned this boy is spoiled?
Wearing one of his new presents. 
I can’t believe how much he’s changed in one year.
One of my favorite pictures of all time. 
I can’t wait to see how much Ben changes over the next year and what his next birthday will have in store!

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