
The Snow, it’s a Coming

It’s official guys, our governor has declared Missouri in a state of emergency. The snow hasn’t even hit yet (although we did get a nice little ice shower this morning) and the University has cancelled classes (this never happens) and all non-critical clinics which means I get a snow day!
You know the little scroll that goes across the top of the t.v. with all the closings listed? It should just say the name of our town and cancelled. It would be so much more efficient that way.
We’re expected to get between 16-20 inches of snow. I can’t even comprehend that. 
I plan on using my snow day to take long naps cuddled up with my boys, update this blog of mine, and organize the spice pantry. Exciting stuff. I’m also going to make sure I have all the ingredients I need to make lots of delicious food and I’m not going to feel guilty about eating it one bit. 

One Comment

  • Brooke

    Cuddle with the kittens. Do the smallest amount of work as possible. Watch movies (The Town is a-maz-ing). Facebook stalk everyone I know. And do P90X abs.

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