• Festivals

    Catching Up & Our First Fall Festival

    How was everyone’s weekend? Although ours was pretty productive, it still feels like I got nothing done when I look at my to do list. Does this happen to anyone else?  Last week Ben had his 4 year Well Child check-up and they decided to go ahead and give him his kindergarten shots as well as the flu shot. He was not happy. And along with the shots came a nice little fever that afternoon. 102.8 to be exact. He ended up staying home with J on Thursday and we though he was back to his squirrelly, fever free self. Wouldn’t you know I got a call from his school…

  • Life

    Gone Fishing

    This weekend was a good mix of productivity and relaxation. Well as much as you can do of both with a 4 year old and 3 month old. Saturday I planned on getting out all my fall decorations but it rained the entire day. J’s mom and niece ended up coming over for lunch and to hang out for the afternoon. Sunday was beautiful so we took full advantage of the gorgeous weather and went fishing. My sister’s friend lives on a huge farm with a lake full of fish just waiting to be caught. When I was younger I fished a lot on family vacations with my dad but…

  • Holidays

    Memorial Day Weekend 2012

    Our Memorial Day weekend was jam packed but it was nice to spend time together with family.   2 years ago we took Ben to the airshow and went in the middle of the day. It was miserable and hot so this year we went right when they opened at 9:30am. The weather couldn’t have been more perfect and the breeze was wonderful! Cousins After nap, we made our first trip of the year to the splash pad. Daddy also filled up this pool at our home. Although it was freezing, Ben insisted he get in. On Monday, we went to the parade in our downtown. Ben was so good and…

  • DIY

    Life Lately + Cloud Dough

    First off, to the lady at the gas station today. No, you can’t leave your one year old in the car while you go into the gas station. Yes, I will say something to you. No, I’m not afraid to call the police or your threat to beat my ass. I mean seriously. Is it pain to drag your kid into the gas station? Yes. But the alternative is your kid getting snatched or hurt which isn’t great either. Good thing I was in my running shoes. I’m fairly certain I could have out run her. Ok, end of rant. This past weekend we went with the my sister and…

  • Holidays

    Labor Day Weekend

    This lady and I took a very important test. And celebrated with many a drink in hopes that we passed our boards. Friday I used one of my many accumulating vacation days for a much needed shopping trip at the outlet malls. I picked up some fall and winter clothes for Ben, and a few new work pieces for me.  Ann Taylor and Loft had some incredible sales and these sweaters were only $20 a piece so naturally I bought one in red, deep green, and black. I also picked up a few of these. The silk ruffles are hard to see in the picture but so pretty in person. On Saturday we managed…