Does it Work? Pinterest Hack {Cleaning Dirty Baking Sheets}

    How many of you have pinned this? Maybe several variations of this? (Raises hand). After sitting on my board for far too long, I took the grimmest pan I could find and tested out this hack. What Pinterest says to do:  1. Mix 1/4 cup baking soda in a bowl and add the hydrogen peroxide until it creates a paste 2. Spread the paste all over the pan rubbing it in really good on those baked in stains 3. Wait for about 45 minutes, then use a wire bristle brush to scrub the paste Following the directions, I let my paste soak and about 10 minutes in I began to…

  • Life

    What’s Hap-Pinning Wednesday

    I can’t believe that this is my first What’s Hap-pinning Wednesday but I’m so excited to be joining in and linking up with Jenn. These Grilled Maple Sriracha Chicken Kebobs from Table for Two look amazing and I’m not even that big of a Sriracha fan.  This vest looks so comfy, plus I feel like you could wear it a million different ways. Every year I say I want to do something fun with our elf and this year I’m determined to make it happen. I sometimes laugh at the “homemade christmas gift” ideas posts because some of them are absolutely ridiculous and something nobody would actually want. This post though has great DIY ideas for…

  • DIY

    Stop Pinning and Start DOING!

    Okay Y’all. It’s obvious that many of us out there in the blog world have a serious addiction to Pinterest. It’s so easy to go along and pin something here and there. I find myself dreaming of the clothes I want to wear, the food I want to eat, and the projects I want to make. Well dream no further. I am officially challenging you all to the Stop Pinning and Start Doing Challenge. With Christmas a mere 18 days away I am challenging you all to get busy on your pins. Make that organizer you’ve been dreaming of or those cookies you’ve been dying to devour. Here are the…

  • Recipes

    Pinterest Recipe Reviews

    It’s been far, far too long since I’ve posted a recipe review. As you can see, Menu Monday’s are out, so I’m trying something new. I’ve made lots of new recipes lately, so let’s check out what I liked and what I didn’t. Cheesy Chicken Empanadas via Pinterest Grade B+, although J would give it a C. I really liked it, but J isn’t a huge fan of Pie Crust.  One tip is to definitely over stuff these babies or you’ll end up tasting more of the crust than the filling. Jalepeno Popper Grilled Cheese Sandwich via Pinterest Oh.my.word. So good. Grade A. J and I both loved this and I will…

  • DIY

    I’m a Pinterest Fool

    Creating a Pinterest account has been one of the best and worst decisions of my life. So many great ideas, so little time to do them all.  Last weekend I managed to complete two things I’ve had pinned forever. First up Lemon Burst Cookies. Now I’m normally not a fan of lemon foods. I love the smell, great for soap, but in my food, not so much. However, after the magic that was Funfetti cookies, I thought I’d give these a try. 1. The batter Ya’ll. This is even better than the actual cookies themselves. It wasn’t a coincidence that I made these while J wasn’t home. True love may…