• Goals & Resolutions

    Creating & Using a Home Binder

    You might be wondering what exactly a home binder is and why you need one? A home binder is simply one central place to store/organize various documents and important information such as bills, insurance info, and even important dates like birthdays. By keeping all this information in one place, you know exactly where you can find it and trust me, it will make your life so much simpler. Over the years, I’ve tried just about every home binder/management system you can think of. I’ve used one big binder, separate binders for each category, pre-made systems, you name it, and none have really worked for me or my family. So a…

  • DIY

    Decorative Medicine Boxes

    One great thing about moving is that it forces you to organize and get rid of things whether you want to or not. We’ve always kept all of our medicines, bandaids, etc in one big plastic container but it gets messy fast which makes it hard to know what you have. I went through all our medicines and threw away the expired ones and ones we never use. It was scary how many there were. When was the last time you took a look at your medicine stash? I guarantee that you probably have no less than a handful of expired stuff. After I bought all new medicine to replace…

  • DIY

    Easiest Boot Storage Ever! {No more floppy top}

    Now that the warmer weather is here to stay, it’s time to finally pack away those heavy winter boots. But year after year I have to deal with the “floppy top” which can leave boots in less than perfect condition come next fall. This little hack will leave your boots standing tall and it’s so simple it almost doesn’t need a tutorial.  What You Need: -Serrated knife -1 pool noodle for each pair of boots What to Do: 1. Line the noodle up next to the boot. 2. Cut the noodle to about 3/4 the height of the boot. You don’t want to see it sticking out the top. 3.…

  • DIY

    DIY Playroom Bin Labels

    Now that Ben’s 3, we’re giving him more responsibilities such as putting away his shoes, hanging up his coat, clearing his plate, etc. I found cleaning up the playroom to be a challenge because there was no organization what so ever. Wherever it would fit it went which led to disorganization. I also found that he wasn’t really playing with all of his toys because he had no way to see exactly what his choices were. The first step was to purge and organize so that everything had a distinct home. Once all the toys were separated by bins, I took pictures of what was inside of each one. Pictures…

  • Weekend Recap

    Weekend Recap

    How come it always seems like the weekend goes so fast? This weekend was filled with fun, family, and even a little bit of productivity. Friday was a gorgeous day and at 5:30 it was still 70 degrees so what else were we to do but take little stroll around the neighborhood. Normally we eat dinner as a family and then it’s bath and bed for Ben and let’s be honest some nights mama goes to bed at 8:00 too. Friday night however J and I decided to wait until Ben was asleep and picked up dinner from one of our favorite restaurants in town. It was nice to have…