• Weekend Recap

    Random Thoughts on a Monday

    This weekend was pretty low key. We hung around the house and I finally had to time to do a good deep cleaning. I also did what feels like 1,000 loads of laundry. In reality it was probably 10. And I know everyone looses the match to socks but have y’all tried finding the match to baby socks? Those things are sooo tiny. I swear I have 5 pairs missing their mate. Maybe I need to make this. Via Jennifer at Life in the Green House posted this picture of the new shelves she put up in her house. I may have to do this next weekend. And by I, I mean J.…

  • Life


    Currently I Am: Listening: To the tv and the dishwasher…and the baby monitor (hopefully he stays asleep). Loving: That my bestie is in town and I get to meet her sweet new baby girl.  Drinking: Water. Although I can’t wait for margaritas with my friend Alissa later this week. Reading: The Pioneer Woman’s blog.  Wearing: A t-shirt and pajama pants. It’s almost bedtime. Thinking about: All the house projects I want to finish, including painting the master bedroom and bath. Feeling: Ready for bed. Eating: Nothin. Wondering if: I’m lame because I want to go to bed at 9:00pm. Realizing: Our baby will be 2 months old tomorrow. Sob.

  • Weekend Recap

    Monday’s Musings

    Truth be told, I started this post with the intentions of posting it last Monday. Life just gets in the way of blogging sometimes especially when you have a newborn. Not to start off this post with something depressing, but I can’t believe Kidd Kraddick passed away last weekend. My morning commutes definitely won’t be the same without his early morning commentary.  Last weekend Ben and his cousin participated in a program at our local state park called Nature Detectives. They learned about different animals and bugs that live in streams and then got to catch some in a river. The kids had so much fun and we will definitely…

  • Life

    Everyday Happenings

    We celebrated J’s grandma’s birthday with pizza, cake, and lots of grandkids. I also failed my 1 hour glucose test but thankfully I went the next day for the 3 hour and passed!  Last week I came down with a horrible cold. Normally when I get a cold I push through it but this one was bad. Thursday morning I woke up and my throat was on fire, I couldn’t stop blowing my nose, and my eyes were watering non-stop. I may have broken down and cried at one point.   By Sunday I was feeling much better and Ben and I caught a movie and enjoyed the beautiful weather we’ve been having with…

  • Life

    Life Lately

    We’ve had a lot going on since the beginning of the New Year. Here’s a little recap. I had dinner at a friend’s house with work gals and got to love on this little cutie. I made some Chicken Chili, perfect for the cold weather. We also enjoyed a few nice days and Ben got to take his Christmas present out for a ride. I had dinner with these ladies and laughed more than I have in a really long time. We’ve been sporting lots of mustaches lately with a mustache themed baby shower and a birthday party. Last year, 3 boys in Ben’s class all had the same Valentines…