
Life Lately

We’ve had a lot going on since the beginning of the New Year. Here’s a little recap.
I had dinner at a friend’s house with work gals and got to love on this little cutie.
I made some Chicken Chili, perfect for the cold weather.
We also enjoyed a few nice days and Ben got to take his Christmas present out for a ride.
I had dinner with these ladies and laughed more than I have in a really long time.
We’ve been sporting lots of mustaches lately with a mustache themed baby shower and a birthday party.
Last year, 3 boys in Ben’s class all had the same Valentines so this year I wanted something unique. I created these cute little super heroes I found on Pinterest and was so proud of how they turned out!
This was also the first year Ben wrote his own name.
J got me 2 dozen roses for V-day and a rose bush for when these flowers die 🙂 I made white chocolate covered popcorn for Ben’s Valentine’s party at school
This past Sunday we wrapped up the weekend with dinner at one of our favorite pizza places. Ben loves this place because they give the kids a ball of dough to play with while you wait for your pizza.
What’s been going on in your life lately?

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