• Life


    Jack pooped on the potty instead of in his underwear last night. The weather here has been 50 degrees in the morning and 80 by the afternoon which makes dressing for the day almost impossible. I just ordered the kids Halloween costumes last night. Nothing like waiting until the last minute. Why is getting up earlier in the mornings so hard? I’ve already failed 3/3 mornings this week. Ben’s had a cold this week and even though I know the poor thing can’t help it, his coughing is so annoying and drives me crazy.  J and I watched Vacation last weekend and despite receiving a rotten rating, we both thought…

  • Life

    Life Lately

    One of my New Year Goals may have been to blog more regularly and expand the blog, but I’ve decided to ease into that one 🙂 Here’s what we’ve been up to since New Years. Play time at the mall where Ben told another kid to, “Keep your hands off my brother.” I was pretty proud. Mexican food. Of course. Trying to stay warm in the new scarf my sister got me for Christmas. I’m obsessed with it! Putting together all the Christmas presents the boys got. Jack’s been working on his b-ball skills. And his cheese face. I’ve also made a few new recipes. Some were delicious and others were just…

  • Life

    A Little Life Recap

    Here’s what we’ve been up to lately. Living room dance parties. Park time with cousins and friends. Intense games of Memory.  Using utensils like a champ…and offering to share already chewed up food. Holding brother against his will at Mexican restaurants. T-ball games in 90 degree weather and 40 degree weather. All within one week.  And this has absolutely nothing to do with our life right now but every time I read this it makes me smile. I’m convinced if moths were bigger they would totally eat us.

  • Life

    Checking In

    Hello! Sorry for the unintentional blogging break. Life’s been crazier than usual and the real craziness hasn’t even started yet. I’ll post a full Easter recap along with baby Jack’s 10 month update later this week, but for now I’ll leave you with this picture from Sunday. I’m in love with the bowties that I ordered from Megan. Make sure to check out her ETSY store here.

  • Life

    Life Lately

    Before I recap what we’ve been up to lately, I just want to say how sad and sickened I am about the end to this Amber Alert that was issued in my state last night. This happened about 3 hours from where we live and literally within minutes from where some of my friends with small children live. It seems like you literally have to keep your children right next to you at all times it seems. I hope this family can find some comfort and peace. Alright…let’s try to focus on something more positive shall we? J had the most beautiful roses delivered to my office for Valentine’s Day.  That night…