Life Lately + Cloud Dough

    First off, to the lady at the gas station today. No, you can’t leave your one year old in the car while you go into the gas station. Yes, I will say something to you. No, I’m not afraid to call the police or your threat to beat my ass. I mean seriously. Is it pain to drag your kid into the gas station? Yes. But the alternative is your kid getting snatched or hurt which isn’t great either. Good thing I was in my running shoes. I’m fairly certain I could have out run her. Ok, end of rant. This past weekend we went with the my sister and…

  • DIY

    Pinterest Challenge #1 {DIY Fingerprint Reindeer Ornament}

    Well folks, here is my first official Pinterest Challenge Project. I’ve actually completed all 3 projects already and will be posting the other 2 later this week. Let’s review the Challenge Rules shall we? 1. You must complete at least 3 pins. This can be a recreation of your favorite outfit, a DIY project, recipe, hairstyle etc. Anything you’ve seen and pinned on Pinterest 2. You must document it through pictures. 3. You must complete a blog post about your pins before December 25th. In your post, link the original Pinterest picture along with your completed project. 4. Have fun and let your imagination run wild. Here is my finished project: I started with a…

  • DIY

    Teacher and Co-Worker Gift Ideas

    The hardest groups of people to buy gifts for seem to be co-workers and children’s teachers. Most people tend to have several co-workers so gifting each one a $20 gift card might not be feasible. And then there are teachers. The standard Starbucks gift card is always great but not so unique and believe or not some people just aren’t fond of that place (gasp)! So what’s a girl to do? There seems to be one universal gift that everyone loves…food. Last night after Ben went to sleep I whipped up several different tasty treats while sipping a heaping glass of Moscato. A side note: As fond as I am…

  • Home Design & Decor

    Big Boy Room Reveal

    A few weekends ago J and I transformed Ben’s nursery into a big boy room, complete with the transformation of his crib to a toddler bed. The print is from ETSY, fire hydrant was a garage sale find, and the blue rattle was J’s when he was a baby. These prints are from ETSY as well and the frames were .25 cents each from a garage sale which I spray painted them in a high gloss blue. Can you tell I’m into Owls lately? So excited for his new room that he couldn’t even take the time to wipe his lunch of his face.

  • Travel

    St. Louis City Museum

    This weekend was a 2 year old’s dream. If you haven’t been to the City Museum in St. Louis you’re seriously missing out. This museum is way less of a museum and way more like a science center, play area, and big building of fun. And because I could never possibly tell you about everything they have go to their website here to learn more.  You know you’re in a cool place when there’s a school bus and Ferris Wheel on the roof.  I highly recommend wearing tennis shoes and comfortable clothing. There are lots of areas to climb, crawl, and slide through and you’ll want to be comfortable.  And when you…