DIY Paint With Ice Cubes

    What better time to update our Summer Bucket list now that we’re officially in the heart of fall. Better late than never right? To read the original bucket list click here. Glow in the dark sticks in the bathtub. This one is for Ben although somehow I think the kid inside of J might also want to do this.  Go camping. Even if it’s in our own backyard. Have a picnic. This one may need to be indoors if it doesn’t get below 100 soon. Make an obstacle course out of paper streamers. Fly a kite. Paint with ice cubes. Have a spray water bottle fight.  Go on a picture scavenger hunt. Go…

  • DIY

    DIY Paper Streamer Obstacle Course

    Let’s see how we’re doing on the list shall we? 1. Glow in the dark sticks in the bathtub.  2. Go camping. Even if it’s in our own backyard. 3. Have a picnic. This one may need to be indoors if it doesn’t get below 100 soon. 4. Make an obstacle course out of paper streamers. 5. Fly a kite. 6. Paint with ice cubes. 7. Have a spray water bottle fight. 8. Go on a picture scavenger hunt. 9. Go fishing. 10. Relax. Quite a few things are crossed off and we have a few more to go. I’m offically crossing off #10, but we’ll continue to do this of course:) The latest item to be tackled on our…

  • DIY

    DIY Picture Scavenger Hunt

    Another thing crossed off my Summer Bucket List. Good thing too because Summer is quickly coming to an end although I’m sure the hot temps will stick around for a while. This was the perfect indoor activity to do when the temps were still in the 100s and I had a feeling Ben would love it. I started by creating the list in Word. I picked items that we had around the house, some items were in plain sight and others were more hidden. I printed the list off on card stock to make it a little sturdier.   Looking over his list. So excited! “Hmmmm. Where should I start?” After he…

  • DIY

    DIY Pepper Shamrock Stamp

    Happy St. Patty’s day friends. Hope you all are enjoying the weekend and wearing your green. If you’re looking for a last minute craft then this for you. This was my inspiration for this little craft. What You Need: -Knife -Green Pepper -Green acrylic paint -Paintbrush -Paper  What To Do: 1. When picking your pepper, start with one that has a shamrock looking base. 2. Cut off the bottom of the pepper. 3. Use a paintbrush to put the paint on the outline of the pepper. Try to hold off the impatient toddler. 4. Press the pepper on the paper. You may need to connect the lines a little and fill them…

  • DIY

    DIY Playroom Bin Labels

    Now that Ben’s 3, we’re giving him more responsibilities such as putting away his shoes, hanging up his coat, clearing his plate, etc. I found cleaning up the playroom to be a challenge because there was no organization what so ever. Wherever it would fit it went which led to disorganization. I also found that he wasn’t really playing with all of his toys because he had no way to see exactly what his choices were. The first step was to purge and organize so that everything had a distinct home. Once all the toys were separated by bins, I took pictures of what was inside of each one. Pictures…