Holidays,  Motherhood

Mother’s Day {2011}

Besides this present
We also got to spend time with all the great mom’s in our lives. We spent Saturday visiting J’s side of the family. Lucky for me, maybe unlucky for him, J’s grandma busted out all his baby pictures.
That hair!
We also got to see our sweet niece who is getting so big.
Ben was pretending to sleep and J’s aunt would rock him. It was precious.
Sunday was the day. We told all our family and friends except for my parents who we were eating lunch with that afternoon. When we got to the restaurant I blatantly begin pointing to things on the menu and it took my mom a few minutes to realize what I was doing and what she was looking at. She got very loud:)
After our late lunch we headed over to my parent’s house to open gifts and hang out.
It was the perfect end to a wonderful weekend.

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