
I’m So Excited

To go to Yo Gaba Gaba Live this weekend. Mostly because I know I’m fulfilling a two year old’s dream.
For my friend Mrs. Bojangles baby shower that I am hosting next weekend. I think it will be the most people we have ever had in our house and I hope everyone fits.
For fall weather and all that comes with it. Scarves, jeans, boots, sweaters, and candy corn.
That when we ask Ben what he wants to be for Halloween he says Kangaroo. I mean, how cute would that be. Now to find a kangaroo costume.
That in almost 8 months I will be on my way to Italy with my husband.
For Christmas. It’s never too early right?
That Ben’s big boy room is finished. Must post pictures.
To run my first 1/2 marathon, but also terrified to death.

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