
Happy Mother’s Day!!!

Happy mother’s day to all the wonderful moms, grandmas, great-grandmas, and many other women who fill the role of a mother everyday. I always loved mother’s day growing up. I loved being able to show my mom how special she was to me and to just spend time with her. Growing up, my mom would tell us that she never needed a gift, our gift could be just spending time with her. I always got my mom a gift but one year I decided to get her an EXTRA special gift. What was it?….
A trip to Hawaii!
The pool at our hotel

My mom!

I wish I was able to do things like this for my mom more often and I’m sure she does too:) It’s funny how mother’s day takes on a whole new meaning when you become a mom. Last year was my first mother’s day and it was fun, but it definitely wasn’t as great as this year. Ben was just a couple months old last mother’s day so this year it was so much better because we were actually able to do stuff with him. At preschool, Ben even made me a flower out of tissue paper-it was sooo cute! Of course, I forgot to snap a pic of it and now he’s carried it off to who knows where.
For this mother’s day we went out to lunch with my mom and dad and then went back to their house for cake and to open presents. I swear my mom confuses all holidays with Christmas! After presents, J and I took Ben up to the park right next to my parent’s house to play. Speaking of J, he got me beautiful white roses and the new Super Mario Brother’s Wii game, which I have been wanting FOREVER! Now, if only he’d play with me. Ben also got me a really sweet card that he had even colored in.
That night, my in-laws and brother in law came over and I cooked everyone dinner. I know I’m not supposed to cook on mother’s day, so all I did was put a roast in the crockpot with some potatoes and carrots and I didn’t have to think about it all day. Technically it was cooking but without all the hard work. I love crockpots! Here are some pics of the day. I forgot to get a picture of me and my mom or mother in law can you believe it?!?!
HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! Now go sit and relax and have all your loved ones wait on you, I know that’s what I’m going to do:)

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