Goals & Resolutions

Graduation & The Funk

Today was supposed to be one of the greatest days. I was finally graduating with my Master’s degree, yippiee!!!! Graduation was at 2:00pm and the School of Social Work was hosting a desert reception for the graduating students and their family and friends from 11-1. If you know me, I LOVE to be organized although I’m not always as organized as I’d like to be and I HATE being late-it stresses me out way too much. It’s funny how my time management skills are not as good as they used to be before having a baby. With everything going on that day I didn’t want to be rushed or late to the ceremony. The plan was that my parents would meet us at our house and then they would follow us over to the campus for pictures, then go to the desert reception. J was going to drop Ben off at preschool before the ceremony because we figured a 1 1/2 year hold and hours of a graduation ceremony don’t mix. My in laws unfortunately couldn’t make the ceremony because my father in law was having minor surgery(which went great!) Then J would meet my parents at the arena and all eyes on me!
Well, do you ever have one of those days where you’re just in a funk? That was today. I don’t know what my problem was. I even worked out that morning hoping that would lift my spirits.  At pictures Ben wanted nothing to do with posing, smiling, or looking at the camera. He wanted to run, run, run. And, with all the other people taking pictures too, who knows what random family’s pictures I will be in. So, after about 15min I decided we had had enough and went to the desert reception.  I was so excited for people to meet J and to show off Ben.  At the reception, everyone thought he was adorable, of course:) The best part, they had table after table of deserts and cakes, and cookies yum yum! I’m gaining five pounds just thinking about it. I wish I had gotten a picture of them all. After we got done eating and talking with everyone, J decided to run Ben home and feed him some lunch before dropping him off at school. Bye, love you, I said without really confirming where everyone was going to meet inside. About 20 min later when I realized this I sent him a text letting him know the details and to just call my mom to find out where they were sitting. I rode with my parents over to the arena, gave my phone to my dad, not thinking I would need it, and went off to wait for the ceremony to start.
As I walked into the arena, I couldn’t believe the day had finally arrived. I turned the corner and walked towards the lines of chairs and saw my parents sitting in A23, but no J. I was crushed. I immediately wanted to cry, but tried to remain calm. You see, J has a little tendency to be late, okay he’s normally always late-still love ya babe:) I thought to myself, ok he’s just running late; after all he did have to feed Ben, drop him off, and come all the way back across town.  My parents weren’t sitting that far from the floor so like the best mime you have ever seen I used my awesome charade skills and asked my mom if she had talked to him or if he had called. She shock her head no and that’s when I started to panic. Let me tell you, I was not going to be a happy camper if he missed my graduation! The sweet girl next to me let me use her phone and I called him over and over.  At this point I’m thinking something terrible must have happened like a car accident or Ben chocked on something and then I thought, what if he and Ben feel asleep on the couch together watching Yo Gaba Gaba. 
Long story short, J showed up in time to see me walk across the stage and proudly except my diploma. He could tell I was still not happy with him for not being there on time and I asked him why he wasn’t there when it started. He told me how I had said that morning that the ceremony would be a few hours and that social work is the last group to walk. He also reminded how I had non-chlantly said that if he didn’t want to sit through the whole thing he could just come a little late. W_H_A_T?!!?? Of my gosh, he was right. After all my pouting and worrying, I was to blame.
Moral of the story, men can’t read our minds, and women, we need to say what we mean. When I said he didn’t have to sit through the whole thing what I really meant was, I want you to be there the whole time, but I feel bad it is so long. Kinda confusing? Think how he feels. To me, the important part was the entire thing and for him the important part was seeing me walk across the stage. In the end, we both learned a lesson. I learned I need to be straight forward and tell J what I want like, I want you to sit and suffer through the whole ceremony with me. And J, he learned that anytime a woman says you don’t have to do something-you do it anyways.
In the end, everything was fine. After we put Ben to bed we got the most delicious BBQ take out food and watched a movie.  As we climbed onto the sofa I told him how much my back was hurting and he asked if I wanted him to rub my back. I told him he didn’t have to. It was the best 20 min back rub of my life:)
Enjoy the pics of the day. Sorry for all the squintiness, we didn’t realize how bright it was.
Our little family
My mom and I. Isn’t she so adorable?
My parents
My friends Ali and Sarah who I have known since high school. Ali(on the left) graduated that day too!

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