5 on Friday

5 on Friday

I’m back! Between computer/photo issues and a week long sinus infection, I’m feeling better and  ready to share what we’ve been up to these last couple of weeks.
We’ve been spending as much time outside as possible and trying to keep up with our crazy weather which switches from 70 degrees one day to 35 degrees the next. The forecast for this weekend has everything from rain to snow and then temps in the 60’s so needless to say I’m ready for Spring and some consistent weather.

J and I have made an effort to go on a few dates lately with just the two of us and also with friends. Man does it feel good to get out, get dressed up, and have a drink (or two).
We celebrated St. Patrick’s day by making treats and building a trap to try and catch that elusive little leprechaun. Not only did he get away, but he left a pretty big mess and tiny green footprints to clean up.
Do you have a Lego obsessed fan in your house? Then you have to get tickets to LegoFest if it’s coming to your city. We went last weekend and the boys had so much fun, including my husband. I’ll do a full post on it later, but these pictures of Ben and Jack crack me up. 
I’ve been pinning all the Easter things lately and have several goodies that I can’t wait to start making in the kitchen. This pin is a one stop shop to so many cute edible ideas.
Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
Linking up with ChristinaKarli, & Amanda.


    • admin

      I can't believe Easter is in a week!! The weather seems to be crazy all over the country. You guys have had a ton of snow this year haven't you?

  • Cat W

    Thank you for the tip about legofest! I had not heard of it before but my son loves legos and so i need to google it to see if it will be near us. Thanks for sharing that!

    • admin

      Your son would LOVE it! It's only is select cities, but you should look it up. We made the two hour drive to St. Louis and it was definitely worth it, You'd be mom of the year:)

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