Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

This weekend was a little longer than normal since it’s our Spring Break and I took some time off towards the end of the week so Ben and I could have some one on one time together. We saw Cinderella and both really loved it. Spoiler alert: when Cinderella says, “I forgive you,” to her stepmother I about lost it.
We also tried out an egg dying project I saw on Pinterest that used shaving cream and food coloring but it turned out to be a big fat fail. At least they looked cool before we washed them. Has anyone made these and had success? What did we do wrong? We even let them sit in the dye overnight.
The next morning we hit up a new donut place downtown. A simple photo turned into Jack yelling for his brother to back away from his food.
I had half of a gooey butter cake donut which was really good and we took home the maple bacon, Samoa, and general custard for daddy. Other choices included Stoner’s Secret, Mexican hot cocoa, and red velvet.
The rest of our weekend included a birthday party for one of Ben’s friends and another Pinterest project which actually turned out pretty cute. I’ll be posting the easy diy Easter project later this week.
How cute is this Target Dollar Spot bag?
My little helper was eating the goldfish faster than I could pour them out.
No Spring Break is complete without candy and adult beverages so I picked up a little of both 🙂 Do yourself a favor and double up on the jelly beans but skip the Lemon-ade-rita. It was pretty gross and this is coming from a gal who used to drink Congress vodka in college.
J’s cousin was in town from Florida so we ended the weekend with Mexican food and cheese dip. Note Jack’s poor cousin who also got too close to food. Sensing a theme here 🙂
How was your weekend? 
Linking up with Biana for Weekending.


  • Lisa Loves John

    I wanted to see Cinderella this weekend, but didn't find the time – soo glad to hear you loved it!! And girl, who makes this Pinterest stuff up?! I feel like half the stuff I try doesn't work, ha!!

    • admin

      You've got to see Cinderella! It'll make you want to be a princess for sure:) Pinterest needs a thumbs up, thumbs down button where people can rate the pin and if the recipe is good, the diy is possible, etc…

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