
19 Week Bump Update

Size of the baby: 6 inches. Size of an heirloom tomato
Total weight gain: 10 lbs
Maternity clothes: Maternity pants, mix of both maternity and regular tops
Sleep: The last two nights I’ve slept through the enitre night and it has been wonderful! I’ve noticed I’ve been going to bed a little earlier as well.
Gender: It’s a boy. We will have our final ultrasound at 21 weeks on Feb 5th to double check the boy parts and make sure baby is healthy.
Movement: I definitley feel movements daily now. I can’t wait until they are strong enough for J and Ben to feel on the outside of my belly.
Food cravings/aversions: craving-salads, anything bbq flavored; aversions-bacon
What I miss: Dr. Pepper
Moment of the week: Ben rubbing my belly and asking if his baby was in there:)


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