
15 Week Bump Update

I’m a week behind getting this posted, so I’m actually 16 weeks today! I hope to get a picture and the 16 week update on the blog tomorrow.
Size of the baby: 4 inches. The size of an apple
Total weight gain: Not sure. Our scale at home quit working, but I’ll know at my doctor’s apt next week.
Maternity clothes: Pants, but mostly regular tops. Some maternity tops for the length.
Sleep: Pretty good still.
Gender: It’s a BOY!!!
Movement: I felt a few flutters around the beginning of 14 weeks.
Food cravings/aversions: Craving-fruit, salads with walnuts and Feta(although I can’t eat it) Aversions-nothing I can think of this week.
What I miss: A fountain Dr. Pepper, wine during New Years Eve.
Moment of the week: Feeling the baby move more and more.


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