Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

Another great weekend in the books! This weekend sort of turned into a 3 day birthday celebration for J and we all had such a great time.

This happened on Friday afternoon. One benefit to seeing a particular client of mine is that they are in the  direct path of Chick-Fil-A. Once you eat their nuggets, you will never go back to McDonald’s chicken nuggets.

Friday night Ben and I got to work “making” J’s birthday cake. Ben was in charge of mixing, despite his desperate plea to crack the eggs into the bowl. Just this time I didn’t want little bits of egg in the cake.
While Ben did a great job with his part, I majorly sucked at mine. I immediately Googled, “How to make a two-layer cake with one layer.” Shockingly, that didn’t really yield any results. Have no fear though! I managed to salvage both layers and J was none the wiser.  I’ll do a post about how I saved the cake later this week.
I also crafted this little DIY birthday bunting.
Saturday morning J opened his presents and was pretty excited when he saw I got him the Nest.
At lunch Jack ate himself silly with blackberries and then I dropped the boys off at my parent’s house so J and I could go on a little birthday date night.
Of course I was ready first and this is how I chose to spend my time waiting. If you aren’t following Lisa Loves John you’re seriously missing out. I may have read her entire blog beginning to end pinning my way through almost all of her recipes and DIY projects. 
I wore my favorite simple black dress from Target that I bought right before our beach vacation and a new necklace that was a gift from Francesca’s. I also gave myself a little bang trim in case you care.
Sunday morning we picked up the kids, ate lunch with J’s parents, and finished the weekend with laundry for me and sleep training for Jack. Nothing like waiting until after his first birthday to get your kid to sleep through the night. I’ll report back after a few nights with what we’re doing and how it’s going. Pray for me.
And although I’m a day late, I’m linking up with Biana for Weekending!


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