Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

How was everyone’s weekend? Ours was pretty darn good. It’s amazing what some warm temperatures and sunshine does for the soul? It was almost 90 degrees here on Saturday and today there is a chance of snow. I wish I was kidding. 
We busted out the Summer clothes and Jack was not liking the shorts. When you can’t walk and rely on crawling as your main mode of getting around, concrete + shorts doesn’t work out too well. 
 I went grocery shoping all by myself and it was heavenly. I grabbed a Sonic happy hour drink beforehand and was able to shop in peace and quiet. I stocked up on lots of fruit and veggies which I washed, cut, and divided into containers. This makes it so much easier to grab and go throughout the week. 
I also gave myself a much needed mani and pedi. Sorry if feet gross you out 🙂
And remember my last 5 on Friday post where I shared Cassie’s Easter craft? Well I actually completed it. Mine didn’t turn out quite as cute as hers, but I think I did pretty well. I found the “hoppy easter” printables online, attached them to the jar, and wrote the kid’s names on the back. I also used both mason jars and baby food jars, and I think the baby food jars ended up working out the best.
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! 


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