5 on Friday

5 on Friday

I don’t know about you all, but I’m ready for this week to be over! I’m hoping our weekend is stress free and we can have some fun.
The weather has been beautiful the past couple of days. Instead of going to the gym the other night, I took the boys and we hit up the trail. Ben pedaled his little heart out and I noticed his current bike is way too small for him. Jack loves that he gets to sit in his stroller like a big man. He just looked around and would start screeching every time his brother rode away.
Cassie over at Hi Sugarplum! created these adorable little Easter Jars and I’m thinking about putting a few together for Ben’s teachers at his new school. 
Speaking of Easter, I’m hosting at my house for the first time. I’m going to keep it simple with pot roast made in the crockpot since we’ll be at church that morning. In terms of a tablescape, I want to do something simple that doesn’t require too much time or money. I’m loving all of these ideas from Pinterest.
Look at this dream table. 
Is it bad I’m kind of regretting signing Ben up for t-ball? He likes it enough, but definitely not as much as soccer. Not to mention he has practices two nights a week and games will be two nights a week as well. How cute is this picture of Jack watching his brother play?
Scandal. You guy! I was a little behind which meant I couldn’t watch or talk about the new episodes but now that I’m caught up, holy cow! Please tell me you are watching this!
Have a great weekend!


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