Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

We’re enjoying a 70 degree day here but 30 degree weather is supposed to roll through this week and I just don’t know if I’m ready. I saw that parts of Minnesota are supposed to get 16 inches of snow this weekend. 
Friday afternoon I went to the mall to find a dress for a wedding we attend Saturday night. The wedding was one of J’s clients so I wanted something elegant and not too edgy or sexy. Why is it when you’re looking for something specific you can never find it. Ugh.

I ended up going with the dress on the left and of course I found it at the last store I looked.

Friday night after Jack went to bed Ben, J, and I rented Maleficent and Angelina was perfect for this role. It reminded me a lot of the musical Wicked except with Sleeping Beauty instead of Wizard of Oz. In case you’re debating letting your younger kids see the movie, Ben is 5 and didn’t find the movie scary at all.
Saturday was our usual grocery shopping and cleaning followed by lunch with my in-laws who took the boys home with them for the night so J and I could go to a wedding. Technically it wasn’t actually the wedding just the reception. The couple got married out of state and then had the reception back home. If this wasn’t one of J’s client I would have been snapping lots of pictures. There was a sushi bar, ice sculpture with oysters, shrimp, and lobster, and a martini ice sculpture where the martini flowed through the ice. To top it all off, there were fireworks synchronized to music which was beautiful.
Before the boys came home Sunday morning I whipped up a batch of mini Vanilla Poppyseed Bread loaves adapted from Kaitlin. They were delicious and I love anything mini sized. I used vanilla extract instead of almond but I’m thinking you could even do lemon. 
We just hung out at home on Sunday and I made stuffed green peppers for dinner.
How was your weekend?
Linking up with Biana for Weekending

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