Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

This weekend was lazily busy (busy, but in a good, non-time commitment sorta way) and one that I didn’t want to end.

We’ve had unusually cool weather this time of year (60’s & 70’s) so it was only fitting to bust out a more fall like nail color. Of course today it’s back in the 90’s.

I might be the last blogger to take advantage of the Ikea spice rack turned book shelf. We got them hung this weekend and Jack was so excited to read ALL the books. (Full post on these coming soon)
Friday afternoon Ben’s class had a decorating party for their writer’s notebooks and I went and helped out. His teacher this year is on top of it, super organized, and takes pictures almost everyday and sends them to us. #representthetigers
The moon was beautiful Friday night and Ben said it looked like heaven as the light flooded through the clouds:)
Mustache jammies and Saturday morning snuggles.

We spent a little time at a local event where they had carnival type games, characters etc. Despite Olaf being Jack’s most favorite character, he wanted nothing to do with him irl.

Sunday was spent brunching outside before it got too hot, followed by a Target run. 
During my Target trip I picked up a few Fall/Halloween goodies including these two wire pumpkins and a cute Boo banner, but our dollar spot has really been lacking lately. They’ve had bottled water on several of the shelves in the last couple of weeks instead of cute decorations and other things that I obviously need upon seeing them. wtf.
After Target we spent the rest of the day visiting with J’s parents and doing 1st grade homework (Ben not me). J and I also started watching Fear of the Walking Dead. Has anyone else seen it? We watched the first episode and it was kind of slow. Does it get better?

Hope you all have a great Monday and last day of August!

Linking up with Biana for Weekending.

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