Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

Happy Monday! Unfortunately I don’t get to celebrate Columbus Day (officially), but for all of you that do I hope you’re enjoying the day off!
The weekend started off with a mani and pedi thanks to a gift card I got for my birthday from my friend Alissa. Thanks lis! I got Essie’s Lincoln Park After Dark on my nails. I tend to only do this color when I get gel nails as it’s a really dark purple and smudges and chips easily with just the regular polish.
Friday night I hung out with my friend Meghan and her family. Ben loves Meghan’s husband and I think it has a lot to do with the fact that he wrestles and body slams him around, things mom won’t do.
Saturday morning we got up bright and early for the Homecoming parade and while it was fun, some kids (and their parents) acted like they had never seen candy before and were shoving and fighting over tootsie rolls and dum dums. 

Saturday afternoon we met up with my mother and brother in law and worked on our deck and then Sunday was spent putting away laundry and watching the last season of The Walking Dead so I could be all caught up for the Season 6 premiere which aired last night.
Did any of you guys watch it? What did you think? 
Here’s to a productive Monday!!!
Linking up with Biana for Weekending.


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