
A Taste of Two

Today J and I got the chance to see just what life would be like with another child. J’s cousin is moving about an hour away so while she and her husband moved we volunteered to watch her two little girls. Mallory is 4 and Kylie is 13 months and they are the cutest, sweetest, and most well behaved children. Mallory ended up not staying with us since she had been feeling sick the day before so it was just Kylie and Ben. Although they’ve played together many times at different family things, this was the first time they hung out just one on one.

Being less than 6 months apart, we couldn’t wait to see how they would interact. At preschool Ben does a pretty good job of sharing, but he has never really had to share his own toys at home with another kid. He ended up doing pretty well although he needed a few reminders throughout the day. Throughout the day they played with every toy we own, read books, played catch and basketball, and chased each other around the house. Ben would run after Kylie and she would stop and start laughing hysterically and then turn around and chase Ben. By the end of the day I must admit that I was pooped. We had a ton of fun, but having two is definitely more work than just one. Before today J has always said he wanted another boy. That is until Kylie walked up to him, hugged his leg, and then held her arms up to be held. That was all it took for J to say, “I want a girl.” 

Up to no good.

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