• Kids

    Jack: 8 Month Update

    Jackers. Happy 8 months big boy! I know I said last month that you started lots of new things, but I think you’ve learned even more this month! Even since last month, I’ve noticed that little by little your baby face is slowly fading away.  What’s not fading however is your chubby little cheeks! I swear I could just kiss those things all day long. I’ve never seen a baby with such kissable cheeks! You still have just two little bottom teeth and you like to do this thing where you rub your lip against your teeth. You are drooling and mouthing like crazy and I will be so glad…

  • Kids

    Jack: 7 Month Update

    Sweet Jack. You are officially over half way to being a one year old. This last month you started doing SO many new things. Your personality is coming out more than ever and I’m starting to see glimpses of how you may be as a toddler. You’re still as sweet as ever and all your daddy and I have to do is look at you and we get a big ear to ear grin that melts our hearts. Just like last month, these monthly photos are getting harder and harder to take as you are constantly trying to grab the camera. And this month you want to crawl right off…

  • Kids

    Jack: 6 Month Update

     Oh Jack. How are you already half a year old? I both love it and hate it at the same time. I love all the new things you are doing and all your “first” moments. But I’m also a little sad as you change so much each month and become more independent. You’ll notice a lot of your pictures this month have one thing in common. You sitting. And trying to grab the camera from my hands. Gone are the days of taking pictures while you lay still and smile. You are on the go!  You LOVE to kick your little feet as fast as they will go and smile…

  • Kids

    Jack: 5 Month Update

    Just as I predicted 5 months snuck up on us way too soon. Where did the last month of your little life go? You continue to be such a sweetheart. I can’t even remember the last time you woke up the in the morning and weren’t smiling and just so happy to see me. I don’t have your official 5 month weight and your next well child checkup isn’t until 6 months. If I had to guess, I would say you’re close to 15 pounds. You are really long which requires me to size up on footed sleepers so your little toes aren’t cramped. You’ve had a little bit of…

  • Kids

    Jack: 4 Month Update

    My sweet Jack. Monday you turned 4 months old. Before I know it you will be 6 months, then a year, and then I’ll be doing a big ugly cry in the corner. This month brought with it your first little illness and sick visit to the doctor. You broke out in a rash/bumps on your body, but after a dose of antibiotics and a switch to Aveeno baby products your skin cleared right up! At the doctor’s visit you weighed 13.4  pounds which is up 3 pounds since your last weigh in! We will know your official 4 month weight at your well child check up next week. You’re…