
Jack: 5 Month Update

Just as I predicted 5 months snuck up on us way too soon. Where did the last month of your little life go?
You continue to be such a sweetheart. I can’t even remember the last time you woke up the in the morning and weren’t smiling and just so happy to see me.
I don’t have your official 5 month weight and your next well child checkup isn’t until 6 months. If I had to guess, I would say you’re close to 15 pounds. You are really long which requires me to size up on footed sleepers so your little toes aren’t cramped. You’ve had a little bit of a stuffy nose this month, but nothing too terrible, and it didn’t even seem to phase you.
You’re officially in size 2 diapers and wear anything from 3-6, 6, and some 6-9 month clothing, depending on the brand. Each time I have to put away another outfit that is too small a little piece of me wants to burst out crying.
You are taking 6oz bottles and eat every 3-4 hours. Every once in awhile you will go 4-5 hours in between feedings. We started rice cereal this month and you love it! You start to grunt if I don’t shovel it in your mouth fast enough and you like it pretty thick. We are starting veggies tonight and I have no doubt that you will love them as well. You’ve become very aware of when others are eating and I’ve seen you give the stink eye a few times when someone doesn’t offer you a bite.
As great of a baby as you are, one thing that’s not so great is your sleeping habits. Don’t get me wrong, it could be a whole lot worse. You’re still waking up twice in the night at 11:45pm (on the dot) and then usually between 3:00-4:00am. When you wake at 11:45, sometimes you soothe yourself back to sleep, but if you cry for more than 15 minutes I go into your room. I try not to feed you and you are usually content being rocked and then I place you back in your crib when you’re almost asleep, but not all the way. You still go to bed between 6:45-7:15pm and wake up anywhere between 7:00-8:00am.
You and I both love your bedtime routine of eating rice cereal followed by a bath and cozy pajamas. The best part is the rocking and cuddling during your night time bottle. I use the size 1 nipple at night so you don’t gulp it down which means I get lots of snuggles in. While I’m feeding you, your dad is helping brother with his bath.
Naps are still hit and miss. You took several 2+ hour naps this month at Memaw’s and daycare, but have yet to do that on the weekends.
This month you love your activity mat, your new O ball, the soft chewable books, and Sophie the Giraffe. 
You are able to stand and bear weight on your legs for several minutes at a time now and you like hanging out and bouncing in your Exersaucer. There is a chicken toy on it that you like to spin and listen to the noises it makes.
You are sitting pretty well in your Bumbo when eating rice cereal and we are working on supporting yourself while sitting on the floor.
You make SO many noises including the “ma-ma-mam” sound but it’s not yet been directed towards me. And although I know they are just sounds and not words, you say what sounds like, “hey” and “hi.” You said, “hiiiiii,” in the car the other day and Ben said, “Well hey brother,” back to you 🙂
You also started grunting this month. I could have sworn you were pooping the other day, but nope, just trying to reach a toy that was out of arms length. I was dying laughing.
Your brother continues to love you oh so much. He can make you laugh and laugh and it’s just so sweet. There has yet to be a moment where he has gotten mad at you for crying or being loud although the other night he did ask me to shut his door when you crying while he was trying to sleep.
Everything is going in your mouth these days. Your hands, toys, my hair, whatever you can grab ahold of. Your brother’s first tooth came in about at this age and I wonder if yours is going to pop through at any moment.
Happy 5 months sweet boy. I love you to the moon and back!

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