5 on Friday

5 on Friday

Linking up again with these lovely ladies for another 5 on Friday.
Last weekend we went to dinner at one of our favorite local pizza places. It’s so easy to get stuck in a routine of coming home, making dinner, doing bath time, and then going to bed. It’s nice to take a break from the everyday routine and enjoy a week night out.
I’ve been dying to make these two Christmas crafts for the past 3 Christmas’ now 🙂 
I bought Jack this ball after reading about it on several other blogs and he LOVES it. All the little holes make it so easy for him to hold and put it in his mouth. 
Speaking of Jack, we broke out the Exersaucer and he likes looking at himself in the little mirror on it. All his different faces crack me up.
I am majorly behind on Christmas shopping. I’ve gotten a few things here and there and for the most part know I know what I’m everyone. I still undecided about what I want but I know I want a sweater like this. 
Happy Weekend Friends!


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