• Kids

    Jack: 16 Month Update

    Although I’m no longer doing monthly recaps for Jack, I still want to document a few things that he’s been doing lately. Especially since we all know I haven’t even started his baby book yet. Second kid problems.  SLEEPING: I think the last time I posted about Jack’s sleeping habits we were getting ready to start sleep training using the Ferber method. In short, we followed the schedule listed in his book which is a mix between CIO and comforting the baby when they cry. After 2 nights, Jack was sleeping through the night and the only thing I regret is that we didn’t do it sooner. Every now and…

  • Kids

    Jack: 12 Month Update

    Jackers! The day has officially come and gone and you are a whole One Year Old! I honestly can’t believe an entire year has gone by since we welcomed you into the world. You are so sweet, happy, and pretty dang adorable. You’ve brought so much love into our lives and your big, toothy smile instantly brightens my day. You’re starting to develop your own personality, complete with little melt-downs and all. With each day that passes I see less of my little baby and more of a toddler and this excites me and makes me sad all at the same time. I can’t wait to see how much you…

  • Kids

    Jack: 11 Month Update

    Jack. You are one month away from turning a year old. This can’t be possible. This month’s pictures have to be the best yet. You’ll be hard pressed to find a great one in the group, but they are so representative of the current stage you are in. You just can’t be bothered with sitting still to take pictures. The picture above is what happens when we say, “How big is Jack?” You raise your arms up in the air and give a big ole smile. You’ve also learned to point to your hair when asked and you love to brush your hair and other people’s.  Your biggest accomplish is…

  • Kids

    Jack: 10 Month Update

    Jackers Snackers Crackers. Not sure why we call you this, but we do:) On Monday you turned 10 months old. Time is passing at lightening speed and it seems as if your “month” birthdays always sneak up on me. Like every month, you continue to learn so many new things. You don’t like to sit still (notice the photos in this post) and you want to walk so bad and you took one step on your own without holding onto anything. I think you scared yourself when you did this and you immediately sat down:) You’re a pro at cruising on furniture and crawl almost as fast as we can…

  • Kids

    Jack: 9 Month Update

    You’ve officially been in the world for just about as long as you were on the inside my belly:) So much has changed in the past 9 months! Let’s start with all your big milestones. You are pulling up on everything including our legs if we’re standing still. You can also stand without holding onto anything for several seconds at a time. Your biggest achievement this month though is that you are walking behind your lion push toy. You just crawl on over to it, pull yourself up, and take off walking and pushing that thing around. You’re no longer army crawling and instead take off at lightening speed on…