
Jack: 10 Month Update

Jackers Snackers Crackers. Not sure why we call you this, but we do:) On Monday you turned 10 months old. Time is passing at lightening speed and it seems as if your “month” birthdays always sneak up on me.
Like every month, you continue to learn so many new things. You don’t like to sit still (notice the photos in this post) and you want to walk so bad and you took one step on your own without holding onto anything. I think you scared yourself when you did this and you immediately sat down:) You’re a pro at cruising on furniture and crawl almost as fast as we can keep up and you’ve almost mastered standing up without having to pull up on anything.
You wave hi and goodbye and you put the phone to your ear as if you’re talking on it. You also love to play peek-a-boo and if I stop playing, you’ll grab my hands and push them towards my eyes to keep going. You also like to play a game with your Aunt Natasha where you pretend like you’re handing her something and when she reaches for it, you yank it away which makes you laugh and laugh.
You still only have four teeth, but at your 9 month well child check the doctor said he could see other ones ready to poke through. I hope they do it soon because you’ve started grinding your teeth a little and biting down really hard on everything you put in your mouth. 
You eat mostly table foods, but love the baby food pouches and eat those when we’re on the go or at restaurants. I’ve started giving you vegetables first because you won’t eat them if you’ve already eaten your fruit. If you don’t like something you push it out of our mouth with your tongue or throw it over the side of your high chair. If I tell you no in a stern voice you get a very sad look and will sometimes put your head down. Once you stuck your bottom lip out and burst into tears which broke my heart and made me cry.
You still love oranges and this month you tried raspberries, blackberries,  and cucumber. You take 7oz bottles every 4-5 hours and usually have a sippy cup of water at each meal as well. You’ve also started signing “more” and I’m so proud of you! We’re working on the sign for drink and eat as well.
At your 9 month check up you weighed a little over 19 lbs which puts you in the 30th percentile. I can’t remember how tall you were, but you fell in the 90th percentile for height and 50th percentile for head circumference. 
You wear size 3 diapers and will probably be in this size for awhile. You’re all over the place in terms of clothing size and it just depends on the brand. Most items are 6-12 month, 9-12 month, and even some 12-18 month. 
I’m SO happy to report that sleeping through the night is going so much better. We tried a modified cry it out (let you cry, but not longer than 30 minutes) and after the 2nd night you were sleeping so much better. We pushed your bedtime back a little and you now go to sleep between 8-8:30pm. Sometimes you still wake up between 1:30-3am, take a bottle and then go back to sleep until 7am. There have been quite a few nights though that you haven’t woken up at all and slept from 8pm-5am, taken a bottle, and then slept again until 7am. 
Bath time is still a fave and for some reason you think it’s the perfect place to practice standing on your own without holding onto anything. Of course this makes me a nervous wreck. You also love my iPhone and when you get ahold of it you immediately want me to put music on so you can dance. 
You’ve made a lot of new sounds and ba-ba it’s always on repeat. You also really enjoyed blowing raspberries this month. See below:)
Separation anxiety is in full swing. It’s less around the house now, but definitely worse with new people. You even cry when your aunts, uncles, or grandparents try to hold you, but you usually get over it pretty quickly or can be easily distracted. Your favorite thing to do when I pick you up is to lay your head on me and say “ohhhh.” And just like your brother, you love your blankets and rubbing the silky tag on them.
And last but not least, this is what happens when I don’t let you have the camera during these little monthly photo shoots. It’s sad and a little comical at the same time.
Love you little Jackers.

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