• 5 on Friday

    Friday Randoms

    Did this week seem extremely long to anyone else? Maybe it’s because I’m counting down the days until I get MARRIED!!!!! Wait, are you sick of me saying that yet? Too bad:) Or until we go to ITALY!!! That’s annoying too huh? My co-worker and I had to visit a client today who lives really really far out in the country. Like have to open 3 cow fences and an electric fence kind of far out. I told her we needed raises immediately. I have been obsessed with humus again. I vaguely remember writing something like this before and then telling you all how it upset my stomach. It could…

  • Life

    Life Update

    What is a blog but a bunch of randomness about people’s lives? At least that’s what I’m telling myself since I have yet another hodge post for you. It’s not that I don’t feel like I have anything to share because trust me, that never seems to be a problem for one who likes to talk, er write. It’s just each little thing isn’t enough to warrant it’s own post so instead you get this… One of my best friends and MOH just welcomed her baby boy into the world. And by just welcomed I mean like 10 minutes ago. She lives almost 4 hours away so I won’t be…

  • Weekend Recap

    Life Update

    Wondering why I haven’t posted much lately? Work has been crazy and I’ve been trying to stay afloat, but I promise to post more often.  In more exciting news, our town has a local version of Groupon and we got this pizza for $2! Too bad it wasn’t as delicious as it looked. Thursday night the weather was gorgeous and we enjoyed a picnic dinner at the park. How cool is this picnic shelter? Our weekend was spent eating our weight in pizza, organizing the house and watching these 3 movies. No Strings Attached and Horrible Bosses was good, but save yourself some time and skip How Do You Know.…

  • Life

    13 Happenings

    one. I have been using our big fancy DSLR camera like crazy and I’m in love. I’m getting over the fact that it’s big and bulky since the pictures are so much better than my Iphone ones. two. With that said, my card reader keeps disappearing so all those beautiful pics are still on the camera. The camera cord also seems to be misplaced. First world problems.  three. J and I made a pact that we will never drive to Florida again. Ever. four. After years of thinking I didn’t like them, almonds are rather tasty. five. I have officially started back on the eating right, working out band wagon.  six. If you’re not using…

  • Life

    Random Mid-Week Thoughts

    Last weekend J and I went to a wedding reception of two of his friends from high school. They got married in Jamaica, and had the reception a few weekends later. Since it was in J’s home town we stayed the night with his parents and in the morning we woke up to this. Dog and Baby. Both captivated by a squirrel.  I love orange juice with snacks like popcorn or pretzels but not so much with breakfast. Anytime I fly I get orange juice in a cup of ice. Do you ever have those days where you have grand dreams of getting tons of things done only to realize…