
Life Update

What is a blog but a bunch of randomness about people’s lives? At least that’s what I’m telling myself since I have yet another hodge post for you.
It’s not that I don’t feel like I have anything to share because trust me, that never seems to be a problem for one who likes to talk, er write. It’s just each little thing isn’t enough to warrant it’s own post so instead you get this…
One of my best friends and MOH just welcomed her baby boy into the world. And by just welcomed I mean like 10 minutes ago. She lives almost 4 hours away so I won’t be seeing her today, but instead will make the trip next week after she’s home, relaxed, and will probably want some time to shower or pee without a baby requiring her attention. 
I can’t remember if I shared this picture of my other bestie’s baby, but how snuggly and precious is he?
To see more of him, make sure to check out her blog. I guarantee you will laugh at her adventures in parenthood. J and I get to babysit this little nugget in a few weeks and although I’m excited, J is really really excited. 
Facebook has been really slow today and it’s annoying me. A lot.
I’m going out to happy hour with people from work tonight and that may have been the only motivation that got me to come to work today.
Remember this post about our new little cat Snickers? Remember how we thought she was pregnant? Turns out that she’s not and unlimited amounts of tuna and chicken flavored cat food does the body good. She’s resorted to getting our attention like this whenever she’s hungry.
I don’t want my lunch break to be over. That means I have to go back to work. At least tomorrow is Friday!

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