
13 Happenings

one. I have been using our big fancy DSLR camera like crazy and I’m in love. I’m getting over the fact that it’s big and bulky since the pictures are so much better than my Iphone ones.

two. With that said, my card reader keeps disappearing so all those beautiful pics are still on the camera. The camera cord also seems to be misplaced. First world problems. 
three. J and I made a pact that we will never drive to Florida again. Ever.
four. After years of thinking I didn’t like them, almonds are rather tasty.
five. I have officially started back on the eating right, working out band wagon. 
six. If you’re not using the Daily Burn app you need to be. And it’s free to download.
seven. Two of my best friends are pregnant and they both happen to also be my MOH and a bridesmaid. And they are both due about a month before the wedding. 
eight. Want to see an adorable pic of said friend’s sweet bebe? Go here. I can’t wait to throw mom and baby a shower. 
nine. J turns 30 next Tuesday and I have no idea what to get him.
ten. Ben has started a new daycare which all of us absolutely love! 
eleven. After getting back from our “vacation” I need another vacation.
twelve. Katie over at Modern Day Family had the best post about couples taking trips or even just having dates away from their children. And I loosely quote, Someday our children will grow up and move out of the house and I still want to know and like the other person I’m living with. Can I get an amen?
thirteen. The battery on my Mac has finally given up. The laptop only works when plugged in which kinda defeats the point of a laptop. The computer is almost 5 years old so I can’t be too upset. Too bad a new battery is only $100. I was hoping this would be the perfect excuse for getting a new Mac. 
Well I’m off to catch up on my Real Housewives. Goodnight y’all!

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