DIY Metallic Salt Dough Ornaments {That Actually Work}

    I can’t tell you how many Christmas’ I tried to make salt dough ornaments only to be left with crumbly dough or dough that just never got hard no matter how many hours in the oven I baked it, cough 7. So imagine my excitement when I came across this recipe for dough that actually worked. The older kids get, the harder it is to do handprint ornaments due to the size of their hands so I decided to do their fingerprints. You could also do shapes from cookie cutters, couple’s fingerprints if you don’t have kids yet, or a little doggy or kitty print if your pet is your kid. What…

  • Holidays

    Christmas Recap: Part 2 {Christmas Day}

    I realize it’s almost February but this post has been in my drafts since well, Christmas, and it’s now or never. There’s nothing quite like waking up on Christmas morning. Jack slept in (of course) and we managed to hold Ben off until 8am to open presents. The pure excitement on Ben’s face is priceless! Jack was at such a fun age this year. He was able to actually open presents instead of just eating the wrapping paper. At noon we changed out of our pjs and headed over to my parent’s house for Christmas with my side of the family. In case you didn’t know, Jack is obsessed with…

  • Holidays

    Christmas Recap: Part 1

    To help with the picture overload, I’m going to break up all our Christmas celebrations into a couple of posts.  A few days before Christmas we loaded the boys in the car, cranked up the Christmas music, and  checked out our favorite festive houses. I can barely manage to get a wreath up on the door, how do people do this? On Christmas Eve Eve we decorated cookies without Jack (he’s still a little too young) and it was so special to spend that time with just Ben. Although the dough was Pillsbury, the frosting designs were all ours. We also decorated a gingerbread train. J is usually in charge of…

  • Holidays

    Christmas Tree Traditions

    Growing up, our Christmas tree was beautiful. We had white lights, matching ornaments, ribbon, beads, you name it. It was the perfect looking tree with coordinating colors and a matching tree skirt. I’m sure I made hand-made ornaments throughout the years and although my mom always saved them, they rarely made it on to the tree. Fast forward several year to my family’s tree. She’d definitely be the ugly stepsister of my childhood tree. The “main” ornaments on our tree match and consist of reds, golds, and sparkles. I stuck with the tradition of white lights and have a traditional red velvet tree skirt. But our tree is also filled…

  • Holidays

    Christmas Recap 2013

    Get ready for it. This post is a long one so extra points if you make it to the end.  The night before Christmas Eve we decorated our ginger bread house village. After 2 years in a row of J and Ben bickering over how our one house should be decorated, I wised up and bought this mini village set that came with 4 houses. We all got our own and since Jack was already asleep, Ben helped decorate his house too. Christmas Eve day we went over to my mom’s house and decorated cookies for Santa. Ben went all out with the frosting. Every Christmas Eve night we go to J’s…