• Holidays

    Christmas 2017

    Before we get too far into the New Year I wanted to make sure I shared our Christmas Recap. We spent Christmas Eve with my husband’s family starting with lunch at my mother-in-law’s house. She just remodeled her basement and it was the perfect cozy place for unwrapping presents and setting up all 1,742 new toys.

  • Bucket Lists

    Christmas Bucket List 2016

    I’m linking up with Annie to share our 2016 Christmas bucket list. Nothing like waiting until there’s only 17 days left to post this, but thank goodness we’ve already been checking some of these things off the list. 1. Decorate the tree and let the kids each pick out an ornament to add to our collection 2. Build gingerbread houses 3. Donate to a family in need 4. Order and mail Christmas Cards 5. Have an indoor snowball fight  6. Drive around and look at Christmas lights 7. Have a hot chocolate bar  8. Order pizza and watch a Christmas movie in our pajamas 9. Bake cookies for Santa 10. Make gingerbread…

  • Travel

    Christmastime at Disney World {Getting There & The Hotel}

    Disney is magical. Christmastime is magical. Mix them together and it’s almost too much magical-ness. Almost. I can’t tell you how much I loved being at Disney World during this time and seeing all the Christmas trees, decorations, and hundreds of thousands of lights on Cinderella’s Castle. This was our 2nd time at Disney World, the first being in November 2012. Read about our first trip here: Getting There & Hollywood Studios Chef Mickeys Magic Kingdom Epcot & Heading Home WHAT’S NEW? On our first trip magic bands weren’t a thing yet and fast passes still had to be physically retrieved from a kiosk right outside the ride by inserting your ticket…

  • Holidays

    Christmas Time Recap 2015

    Since I missed recaping almost all of our December happenings, I thought I’d do one big post about what we’ve been up to this month. I also Googled whether Christmas Time was in fact two words or one and in fact both are correct, so now you know. We started the month off by putting up the tree and getting all the decorations out. Jack’s school hosted a Breakfast with Santa with a pretty sad looking Santa I might add. And after breakfast we made these ornaments with our cousin. My pajama obsession continued on strong and I couldn’t resist these seals wearing hats. My work hosted a milk and cookies event…

  • Holidays

    Merry Christmas!

    I know I’m a few days late but I just wanted to pop in and wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and happy New Year. We made it back from Disney just in time for Santa to stop by our house and boy did he spoil all of us this year. I’m hoping to recap our Christmas before the New Year and of course I’ll post all about Disney in the upcoming weeks. Until then, here’s two of my favorite pictures from our trip-Christmas time at Disney was even more magical than I could have imagined. Outside our hotel room at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort. Over 200,000 lights on Cinderella’s…