
Christmas Recap: Part 2 {Christmas Day}

I realize it’s almost February but this post has been in my drafts since well, Christmas, and it’s now or never.
There’s nothing quite like waking up on Christmas morning. Jack slept in (of course) and we managed to hold Ben off until 8am to open presents.
The pure excitement on Ben’s face is priceless!
Jack was at such a fun age this year. He was able to actually open presents instead of just eating the wrapping paper.
At noon we changed out of our pjs and headed over to my parent’s house for Christmas with my side of the family.
In case you didn’t know, Jack is obsessed with Elf on the Shelf. My sister found this shirt and he LOVED it. Maybe a little too much because he kept crying and trying to peel the elf off the shirt.
You’ll notice there were lots of outfit changes as each new pair of pjs were unwrapped.
When every present was unwrapped and every gift played with we headed home. 

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