Now that Summer is officially over, let’s see how we did on our Summer Bucket List.
1. Participate in the “Visit Your Parks” Challenge
This kids were just not into this one. We spent lots of time outside, but given the choice between a park or the pool, the pool won every time.
2. Camp in the living room, complete with S’Mores 
3. Make homemade ice cream
This was one of the very first things we did this summer but I forgot to take a picture. Like last year, I made the ice cream using this delicious recipe.
4. Watch a movie at the Drive-In
It was a no-go on this one. The drive-in never had kid appropriate movies playing any of the weekends we were able to go.
5. Kids cook dinner
Both kids helped me cook A LOT, but Ben really took an interest in cooking on his own. He made breakfast one morning all by himself and all I did was supervise.
6. Take a family vacation
We kicked off summer by spending Memorial Day Weekend in Chicago.
7. Try as many flavors of snow cones as possible
We definitely had our fair share of snow cones but not nearly as many as previous summers.
8. Go berry picking
As usual, this was one of our favorite things we did.
9. Participate in the summer reading program at our library
Well…we signed up. Does that count? This is the first year we haven’t fully participated and I honestly don’t even know what happened. Time got away from us and before I knew it, the forms were due and the kids didn’t have it done. Whoops.
10. Make a homemade slip and slide
Sadly, no.
11. Be a tourist in our own state
And again, a big fat no.
12. Make a summer sangria
I didn’t make sangria, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t drink it 🙂 My girlfriends and I participated in “Drinks in the District” which is like restaurant week but instead of different foods, you try out a variety of drinks. We had the best watermelon margarita at one of the stops.
13. Go to an amusement park
We went to Six Flags not once, but twice and it’s safe to say both boys are roller coaster addicts. Jack’s first time on a roller coaster was so cute and funny. He kept saying, “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh.”
14. Do 3 random acts of kindness
We did a few random acts of kindness and I have an idea for something I want to do this fall that I can’t wait to share.
15. Go fishing
Even though we didn’t get to everything on our list, there was a ton of stuff we DID do that wasn’t on the list.
Regionals in Tulsa and Show-Me State Games 
Grow a Garden 
Book Club by the Pool

Visits with friends
Family Golf Night 
Flick on the Field
Did you make a summer bucket list? If so, did you do everything you wanted?