Bucket Lists

Summer Bucket List Review 2017

Now that Labor Day has come and gone, what better time to see how we did on our good ole Summer Bucket List.

//Try as many flavors of shaved ice as possible//

We definitely had our fair share and I’m happy to report my favorites were pink lemonade with a close second going to pomegranate. Of course the boys loved blue raspberry (with a squirt of sour spray) and J’s basic AF with grape being his favorite.Hawaiian Shaved Ice

//Go on a picnic//

Instead of my picnic basket I used a Walmart sack, but what I lacked in picnic style we made up for in fun.

//Camp in our living room//

As always, one of the boys’ favorite things to do.
Summer Bucket List Review Camp indoors

//Make homemade popsicles//

Oops. Is there such a thing as fall flavored popsicles? I’m thinking sangria flavor for me, cranberry something for the kids.


//Fly a kite//

J and I enjoyed this more than the kids who were done after 3 minutes. Did I mention it took 10 minutes to set the kites up.
Summer Bucket List Review Fly a Kite

//Explore 3 new (to us) state parks//

No new state parks, but we did visit a local one and explore a cave.Mom and sons in cave

//Go Berry Picking//

Unfortunately the strawberries came in early this year so they were already gone by the time we went but we did get several buckets full of blueberries.Summer Bucket List Review Blueberry Picking

//Visit the farmer’s market//

Couldn’t leave the market without peaches, corn, and a smoothie, naturally.Boy drinking smoothie farmer's market

//Watch a movie in the park//

It was technically the football field instead of a park, but it was outdoors so that counts right?Summer Bucket List Review mom and sons

//Attend a baseball game//


//Go to the state fair//

After seeing the horrifying accident at the Ohio State Fair a few weeks before our state fair started, we were all okay with sitting this year out.

//Make homemade strawberry shortcake//

There was no shortcake making but I did make strawberry cream cheese banana bread. And I can’t find a picture of it. But I swear I did.

//Make a bird feeder//

Does a wind chime count?

//Go on a nature scavenger hunt//

Adding this to our fall list. Bring on all the colored leaves.

//Trip to Arkansas//

We didn’t make it to Arkansas, but we did go on vacation to ColoradoMountain Range Colorado Springs

//Summer Reading Program at our Library//

Finally one we finished 🙂 Not only did the boys complete all their reading minutes, they each got their names entered into a raffle and Ben won a huge Lego set.

Brothers reading library

//Make homemade ice cream//

The eclipse provided us the perfect opportunity to make homemade Galaxy ice cream. While it tasted more like whipped cream than ice cream, it’s the thought that counts right?
Summer Bucket List Review Galaxy Ice Cream

And there you have it. While there were definitely some things we didn’t get to, there was also a lot we did that didn’t make the list. Did you do a Summer Bucket List? If so, were you able to check everything off of it?

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