
Paw Fish

A little over a week ago we found out J’s grandpa had cancer. The cancer had been undiagnosed for a while and we were told he had a few weeks to a few months.
Early on Saturday morning he passed away much sooner than anyone thought and I am so glad we went to visit him sooner rather than later.
All of my grandparents passed away when I was younger. My last living grandfather passed away when I was a few months pregnant with Ben. I am forever grateful that being part of J’s family meant I had grandparents again. They’ve never once treated me as anything but their own.
I am most grateful that Paw Fish lived to be 80 years old. He saw his children grow up and their children, and then 12 great grandchildren.
I love listening to J tell me stories about his grandpa. I love that he got to see us get married and dance at our wedding. I will always always remember the way he said, “Hi Shug.”

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