• Life

    What to Say (and not) When Others Are Grieving

    Blogging is a great way to share about all the wonderful things happening in life. But not everything that people post on the internet is wonderful. Life can also be filled with sadness, deep personal loss, and unimagniable grief.  I’ve read several posts lately from bloggers that have experienced a miscarriage. For some it’s their first, for others it’s another loss. Each time I read one of these posts I feel sad but also inspired at the strength and courage these women have to share such a personal experience. One thing I started to notice was the comments people left on these posts. Some were touching and heartfelt and others,…

  • Life

    Paw Fish

    A little over a week ago we found out J’s grandpa had cancer. The cancer had been undiagnosed for a while and we were told he had a few weeks to a few months. Early on Saturday morning he passed away much sooner than anyone thought and I am so glad we went to visit him sooner rather than later. All of my grandparents passed away when I was younger. My last living grandfather passed away when I was a few months pregnant with Ben. I am forever grateful that being part of J’s family meant I had grandparents again. They’ve never once treated me as anything but their own.…