Remember Ben’s first movie I was taking him to? We saw Barnyard(well some of it) and Ben did great and lasted about an hour. The theater on the other hand, EPIC FAIL. We settled into our seats, the lights went down, Ben began to eat his popcorn and then about 10 minutes in the lights came back on and the movie stopped. Ben’s response, “uh-oh.” The manager came into the theater and informed us that they had sent a large number of people to the wrong theater so they were going to bring all those people into our theater and restart the movie. Just as everyone crammed into what empty seats there…
The Last Night
I wanted to give you all an update on Ben’s last night with his ba-ba. For Ben it was like every other night and although I told him the bottles were going bye bye, he’s 17 months so I’m not sure how much he understands. Tonight will be the true test on how it goes since it’s his first night without one. I let him pick out some cool new sippy cups at the store yesterday so hopefully that will help with the transition. Last night it just so happened to storm complete with thunder, lighting, wind and rain that sounded like there was a hurricane outside. My first thought was…
Goodbye Bottle
Today is a very sad day in our house and more for me than for Ben or J. Tonight’s the last night Ben gets a bottle before bed. He’s stopped taking bottles or “ba ba’s” during the day for a while now, but we still kept the one before bed. His pediatrician told me a few months ago that it was time to cut that one out as well and although he’s more than ready I don’t know if I am. He’s growing up so fast and taking a bottle is the last thing that we do/have that still makes him seem like our little baby(besides the diapers, but I…
Happy Birthday, J!
Happy Birthday J! Ben and I love you so much and can’t imagine what our life would be without you. I look forwarding to spending the next 60+birthdays with you!
All About Us
I’ve decided that since we are celebrating J’s birthday all weekend I would do a little Q & A about the two of us. 1. What are your middle names? Lee and Allison For generations after generations all of the men and a few women on J’s dad’s side of the family all have Lee as their middle name. We decided to carry on that tradition with Ben as well. 2. How long have you been together? 2007 3. How long did you know each other before you started dating? A few months 4. Who asked who out? He asked me out. 5. How old are each of you? J…