5 on Friday

Oh Hey Friday!

Linking up with Karli and Amy for the first Oh Hey Friday in August. 
I burnt the heck out of my arm on a cookie sheet. And I wasn’t even baking cookies, just stupid garlic bread. It happened last Friday night and it has just now scabbed over. I know the word scab is gross. I’m sorry.
One of the things I love about Summer is all the fresh fruit and vegetables. We got some sweet corn straight from a farm and it was delicious. And by straight from the farm I mean the lady literally went out to the field, picked it, and but it in a bag for me. 
I tried out a an outfit I saw on Pinterest and I had everything I need already in my closet. 
Ben’s going through an “I want” stage. He started earning money for doing tasks above and beyond his normal household jobs. The other night he offered to fold the towels and I had to stifle my urge to complain about putting clean towels on the floor in order to fold them. He was so darn proud of himself. Then he asked for a $20 🙂 And no, he didn’t get even close to that. 
Happy Friday!


  • Angie

    That burn looks rough- nothing hurts worse than a burn 🙁
    I love the kids eating corn on the cob- cutest pictures ever
    Great Quote! Definitely something to ponder on!

  • amy johnson

    Ha. Your corn comment did make me laugh, because yes, it is true – fresh fruit and veggies all around here. If we don't grow it, our neighbors do. 🙂 It's pretty awesome… and so fun for you to have access to some too!!! Nothing beats fresh corn on the cob!!
    Have a great weekend… keep Ben busy folding more towels!! 🙂

  • admin

    Totally jealous of all your fresh produce-thankfully we have the Farmers Market and people with farms who feel sorry for us non-farm folk. Is it weird I think farm life is awesome?

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