Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

Aren’t weekends just awesome? This weekend my best friend Meghan was in town and we got our kids together after being apart for way too long. Watching all of them play together was one of those surreal moments. There’s something so neat about growing up with someone and then watching your kids grow up together. Thankfully Meghan’s parent’s live in town so between the 2 of us, we try to convince her to move back quite often. Meghan’s husband Levi also happens to be one of Ben’s favorite people. 
J’s parents came over Friday night for dinner and I made these cookies that I pinned from Lisa. I may have skipped the homemade cookie part, but the look was just what I was going for.
After dinner J and Jack cuddled while listening to this bear sing “Night is coming…” 20 times. Literally 20. Maybe 21. Jack loves the darn thing and J’s grandma gave it to him so how can you say no to Jack’s, “mo, mo?”
Saturday morning I installed the boys’ new car seats while they played outside. By the time I was done you would have thought I had been to the gym. I’m pretty sure it was already 90 degrees and 100% humidity at 8:00am.
Jack is really into copying anything his brother does. It’s cute when they’re playing cars, not so cute when they’re trying to leap off the couch.
I his new seat! He really does like it more than it appears.
We also made a stop at Orange Leaf. 
Sunday was spent doing laundry and sliding down this Little Tykes slide 100 times. I got it off a mom swap site on Facebook for $5 and it was the best $5 I spent.
We also decided to have an early lunch on the patio at our favorite brewery before it got unbearably hot.
When we started to sweat we headed home and spent the rest of the afternoon at the pool.
What did you guys do this weekend?
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