
Light It Up Blue

Today is World Autism Awareness day. 
1 in 88.
This is the new number the CDC(Center for Disease Control) released last week for the number of children on the autism spectrum. This is an increase in their previous number of 1 in 110.
The CDC defines Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) as “a group of developmental disabilities that can cause significant social, communication and behavioral challenges.  People with ASDs handle information in their brain differently than other people. ASDs are “spectrum disorders.”  That means ASDs affect each person in different ways, and can range from very mild to severe.  People with ASDs share some similar symptoms, such as problems with social interaction.  But there are differences in when the symptoms start, how severe they are, and the exact nature of the symptoms.” 
To learn more about autism including warning signs and interventions click here.
Today I will wear my blue and think of all the families I know and work with who live with autism everyday. My clients and their families are some of the most loving, caring, driven, passionate people I have ever met. 
By working with children with autism I have learned to be more patient, understanding, and compassionate. I have learned that children with autism are not only capable of love, but they give some of the best hugs around. They can recite the whole alphabet backwards and in Spanish before I’ve even gotten to M. They play a mean game of chase. They can do things that people said were impossible. Autism does not define who they are or what they can do.

These people are not autistic. They are a person with autism. And so much more.

For more information on how you can participate in Light It Up Blue, visit the Autism Speaks Website.

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