• Life

    Light It Up Blue 2015

    Autism now affects 1 in 68 children. When I first started in this field over 10 years ago it was 1 in 150. An early diagnosis is key to helping people with autism receive the services they need. The following “red flags” may indicate a child is at risk for an autism spectrum disorder. If your child exhibits any of the following, please don’t delay in asking your pediatrician or family doctor for an evaluation: -No big smiles or other warm, joyful expressions by six months or thereafter -No back-and-forth sharing of sounds, smiles or other facial expressions by nine months -No babbling by 12 months -No back-and-forth gestures such…

  • 5 on Friday

    5 on Friday: Autism Awareness

    Happy Friday! I can’t believe we’re already four days into April. April marks the beginning of Autism Awareness Month and I’m so privileged to work with children with autism and their families every day. I’m switching it up this Friday and sharing 5 things about autism to help increase awareness.  One. 1 in 68. The number of individuals diagnosed with autism. The CDC released this new number last week which is an increase from just two years ago when the number was 1 in 88. Two. Although scientists and researchers are still looking at causes, we do know it is a combination of both genetic and environmental factors. We also…

  • Life

    Light It Up Blue

    Today is World Autism Awareness day.  1 in 88. This is the new number the CDC(Center for Disease Control) released last week for the number of children on the autism spectrum. This is an increase in their previous number of 1 in 110. The CDC defines Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) as “a group of developmental disabilities that can cause significant social, communication and behavioral challenges.  People with ASDs handle information in their brain differently than other people. ASDs are “spectrum disorders.”  That means ASDs affect each person in different ways, and can range from very mild to severe.  People with ASDs share some similar symptoms, such as problems with social interaction.  But there are…