
Life Lately

Although I got quite a bit done around the house last weekend, looking back it doesn’t feel like it. Anyone else ever feel that way?
One thing I did manage to get done was painting the bathroom a more neutral grey. This is the upstairs guest bathroom/Ben’s bathroom and it was a BRIGHT salmon color. All that’s left is for J and I to agree on a shower curtain and then I’ll post the bathroom reveal.
For the past week, Ben has been taking swimming lessons and learning to use his “ice cream scooper hands” in the water. 
Obviously he has the jumping off part down.
Remember how one of my July goals is to actually complete some Pinterest projects I’ve pinned? Well look at this little beauty. I had J cut off a section of 2×4 and I painted it using a color I had laying around the house. I picked up the knobs from Hobby Lobby for 50% off. All of them were between $3.99-$5.99 before the discount. 
Sunday night we visited J’s grandma. It was the first time being at her house since J’s grandpa had passed away and we definitely missed having him there. To keep herself company, Gigi got a little kitty, Sweet Pea. The jury is still out about whether Sweet Pea is a girl or boy.
Ben didn’t understand why the cat didn’t want to come to him despite him chasing the poor cat around and wanting to squeeze it 🙂

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