
Life Lately

One of my New Year Goals may have been to blog more regularly and expand the blog, but I’ve decided to ease into that one 🙂 Here’s what we’ve been up to since New Years.
Play time at the mall where Ben told another kid to, “Keep your hands off my brother.” I was pretty proud.
Mexican food. Of course.
Trying to stay warm in the new scarf my sister got me for Christmas. I’m obsessed with it!
Putting together all the Christmas presents the boys got.
Jack’s been working on his b-ball skills.
And his cheese face.
I’ve also made a few new recipes. Some were delicious and others were just ehh. I’ll be posting the most delicious ones throughout the month.
I realized I never shared about our New Years Eve. J’s friend and his wife were in town from New York so a group of us decided to go out to dinner at the last minute. My niece came over and hung out at the house while the boys were sleeping and I can’t believe she’s old enough to babysit…and drive! It was a pretty low key night and we were home shortly after midnight. 
Yesterday I took the boys to Bridal Cave in Camdenton, MO since I had free tickets. It was the perfect activity to do on a freezing cold day since the cave stays at a very humid 60 degrees year round.
Although today’s Monday I’m actually ready to get back into our normal routine. Here’s to a great first full week of 2015!
Linking up (a little late) with Biana.

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